Avtor/Urednik     Dovč, A; Dovč, P
Naslov     Molekularnobiološki opis sevov bakterije Chlamydia psittaci, izoliranih iz papig v Sloveniji
Prevedeni naslov     Molecular analyses of Chlamydiae psittaci isolates in Slovenia
Tip     članek
Vir     Zb Vet Fak Univ Ljublj
Vol. in št.     Letnik 36, št. 2
Leto izdaje     1999
Obseg     str. 189-99
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Chlamydia psittaci (C,. psittaci) strains isolated from parrots were propagated in BALB/c laboratory mice strain and in McCoy cell structures and DNA was extracted.. A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to amplify a part of the gene for the major outer membrane protein (MOMP) and a 96 base pair (bp) fragment of the gene for 16S rRNA of C. psittaci. Analysis of restriction fragments of a gene encoding MOMP was performed usinf enzymed HaeIII, HinfI and DdeI. Among our seven isolated strains no visible differences were detected and restriction patterns described in the literature for isolates from parrot. The nucleotide sequences of the part of the gene encoding 16S rRNA were compared. Comparison of the DNA sequence of the part of the 16S rRNA gene revelaed six differences among five specimens from this study and five sequences deposited in the GenBank. However, DNA sequences determined in our isolates differed only in two sites. Based on the sequence of the 96 bp fragment, a dendogram showing similarity among C. psittaci strains and larger distance to C. trachomatic, C. pneumoniae and C. pecorum was constructed. This relationship was also confirmed with the pihogenetic tree composed from 15 strains from the genus Chlamydia. Our work confirmed usefulness of molecular methods for diagnostic purposes and shows gigh similarity among C. psittaci isolates in the investigated material.
Izvleček     Seve bakterije Chlamydia psittaci (C. psittaci), izolirane iz papig, smo namnožili v laboratorijskih miših seva BALB/c in v celičnih kulturah McCoy. Po ziolaciji DNK smo z metodo polimerazne verižne reakcije (PCR) pomnožili gen za glavni zunanji membranski protein (major outer membrane protein - MOMP) in del gena za 165 rRNK C. psittaci. Za analizo restrikcijskih fragmentov gena za MOMP smo uporabljali encime HaeIII, HinfI in DdeI. Med našimi sedmimi izolati nismo ugotovili vidnih razlik v vzorcu restrikcijskih fragmentov, potrdili pa smo ujemanje z restrikcijskim vzorcem, ki je bil v literaturi opisan za izolate iz papig. Določili smo nukleotidno zaporedje 119 baznih parov (bp) dolgega fragmenta gena za 16S rRNK in med našimi izolati našli dve točkovni mutaciji, po primerjavi z nukleotidnimi zaporedji, deponiranimi v genski banki po šest točkovnih mutacij. Na osnovi sekvence 96 bp dolgega fragmenta smo sestavili dendrogram, ki nakazuje podobnost med sevi C. psittaci in večje razlike do Chlamydia trachomatic (C. trachomatis), Chlamydia pneumoniae (C. pneumoniae) in Chlamydia pecorum (C,. pecorum). Ta delitev je bila še nazornejša na filogenetskem drevesu, ki smo ga sestavili na osnovi celotnega gena za 16S rRNK 15 sevov iz rodu Chlamydia. NaŠe delo potrjuje uporabnost molekularnih metod za diagnostične namene in kaže veliko sorodnosti izolatov C. psittaci iz papig v proučevanem materialu.