Avtor/Urednik     Simoniti, Filip; Weber, Vadimir
Naslov     Rezultati zdravljenja raka jajčnikov na ginekološko-porodniškem oddelku v Celju
Prevedeni naslov     The result of therapy of ovarian cancer at the Department of gynecology and obstetrics in Celje from 1981 to 1990
Tip     članek
Vir     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. in št.     Letnik 68, št. Suppl 1
Leto izdaje     1999
Obseg     str. I-17-9
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Background. Ovarian cancer is, because of its high mortality, the greatest problem and challenge in the gynecological oncology. The survival of patients with ovarian cancer, despite progress in the therpay, especially chemotherapy, is still very low. Patients and methods. This analysis deals with 65 patients treated at the Department ob Obstetrics and Gynecology in Celje from 1981 to 1990. Fifty-two patients (80%) were treated operatively, 36 of them in Celje, 11 at the Institute of Oncology in Ljubljana and five at the Deprtament of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Ljubljana. Fifty-five patients (85%) received chemotherapy, 35 pateints (53%) received radiotherapy. Results. In the period 1981-90 the 5-year survival rate was 24.6%. Survival rate was 66.6% in the first stage whereas it was only 7.1% in the fourth stage. Among different histological types of tumours prognosis was the best in the endometrioid type with 44.4% survival rate. The grade of differentiation of the tumour was prognostically very important. In well differentiated tumours 5-year survival was achieved in 72.7%, whereas it was only 9% in poorly differentiated tumours. SUrvival rate depended also on the radicality of the operation. In cases of radical operation survival rate was 50%, whereas it was only 14.2% in other cases. Conclusions. The most important factors affecting the prognosis are stage of the disease, the grade of differentiation of the tumorur and radicality of the operation.
Izvleček     Izhodišča. Rak jajčnika predstavlja zaradi visoke smrtnosti največji problem in hkrati izziv v ginekološki onkologiji. Preživetje bolnic z rakom jajčnika je kljub napredku na področju terapije, zlasti kemoterapije, še vedno slabo. Bolnice in metode. Analiza zajema 65 bolnic, ki so jih v letih 1981-90 zdravili na Ginekološko-porordniškem oddelku v Celju. Operativno je bilo zdravljenih 52 bolnic (80%), od tega 36 v Celju, 11 na Onkološkem inštitutu in 5 na Ginekološki kliniki v Ljubljani. Kemoterapijo je prejemalo 55 bolnic (85%), obsevanih je bilo 35 bolnic (53%). Rezultati. V obdobju 1981-90 je bilo 5-letno preživetje 24,6%. Preživetje v I. stadiju je bilo 66,6%, v IV. stadiju 7,1%. Med posameznimi histološkimi tipi je imel najboljšo prognozo endometrioidni karcinoma s 44,4% preživetjem. Prognostično zelo pomembna je bila stopnja diferenciacije tumorja, saje je bilo preživetje pri dobro diferenciranih tumorjih 72,7% in 9% pri slabo diferenciaranih. Stopnja preživetja je obila odvisna tudi od radikalnosti operacije; pri radikalnih posegih je bilo preživetje 50%, pri neradikalnih le 14,2%. Zaključki. Na prognozo bolezni najpomembneje vplivajo njena razširjenost, stopnja diferenciacije tumorja in radikalnost operativnega posega.
Deskriptorji     OVARIAN NEOPLASMS