Author/Editor     Rakovec, Peter; Šinkovec, Matjaž; Samarin, Silva
Title     Atrial and ventricular mapping using basket electrode catheter
Type     članek
Source     G Ital Cardiol
Vol. and No.     Letnik 29, št. Suppl 5
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 233-5
Language     eng
Abstract     Endocardial activation maps can be cpnstructed by different methods, including non-fluoroscopic electrophysiological navigation, non-contact mapping, and basket electrode systems. The advantages of the latter are simultaneous multisite acquisition of activation times, construction of the activation map from a single beat data, and possible use of a conventional electrophysiologic recorder. However, real-time isochronous map construction and display are possible only using a dedicated computerized system. We performed 7 mapping studies in 5 patients with atrial tachycardia and 2 patients with ventricular tachycardia. The correct deployment of the basket electrode was easily achieved in all patients. The basket electrode was positioned either in the right atrium or in the left ventricle. 79% of 32 electrode dipoles during atrial studies and 94% during ventricular studies had a good contact with the cavity wall and allowed the use of bipolar electrograms for map construction. The orientation of the basket was determined according to 3 radioopaque markers on 3 of 8 basket splines. Additionally, we could record up to 8 reference electrograms from other cardiac cavities. There were no procedure related complications. A conventional electrophysiologic recorder was used for recording the activation times and later a colour isochronal map was constructed using a commercially available software. All maps showed a clear picture of the spatiotemporal spread of activation during tachycardia. Basket electrode mapping is a safe and quick method for the study of tachycardias and gives useful hints for ablation therapy. Due to fast determination sequences this technique is suitable also for mapping in difficult conditions (fast, poorly tolerated ventricular tachycardias, non-sustained tachycardias).
Descriptors     TACHYCARDIA