Author/Editor     Vodnik, Dominik; Gaberščik, Alenka; Gogala, Nada
Title     Lead phytotoxicity in Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.): the effect of Pb and zeatin-riboside on root respiratory potential
Type     članek
Source     Phyton-Ann Rei Bot A
Vol. and No.     Letnik 39, št. 3 Spec Iss
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 155-9
Language     eng
Abstract     Hydroponically grown Picea abies (L.) Karst. seedlings were exposed to lead (5 WM) and zeatin-riboside (ZR) treatments (1 microM, periodically) in a factorial experiment. The influence of Pb and ZR on the seedlings was examined studying photochemical effciency of PSII in green parts and terminal electron transport system (ETS) activity of the root tissue. Lead and cytokinin, separately or in combination, did not influence the light use effciency. The lead exerted an influence mainly on the root system. In Pb treated seedlings ETS activity of the root tissue was lowered by app. 25% in comparison to the control. Zeatin-riboside mitigates the lead induced inhibition of root growth and the ETS activity is even higher than in control plants. Higher potential cespiration increases the ability to overcome stress conditions. The presence of cytokinin in the rhizosphere could be an important factor affecting Pb toxicity.
Descriptors     TREES