Author/Editor     Petrovič, Nataša; Miersch, Otto; Ravnikar, Maja; Kovač, Maja
Title     Relation between the endogenous jasmonic acid and decreased potato virus Yntn concentration in potato treated with jasmonic acid
Type     članek
Source     Phyton-Ann Rei Bot A
Vol. and No.     Letnik 39, št. 3 Spec Iss
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 249-52
Language     eng
Abstract     Systemic infection of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cv. Igor grown in vitro with potato virus Y NTN (PVY NTN) resulted in the accumulation of endogenous jasmonic acid (JA) in plant roots, and in decreased plant fresh and dry weight, especially obvious in plant roots (Petrovič & al. 1997). The addition of exogenous 0.1 microM JA to the growth medium reduced virus content (Petrovič & Ravnikar 1995). In order to find the experimental explanation for lower PVY NTN- concentration in plants treated with 0.1 microM JA, we compared biochemical data on endogenous jasmonic acid with morphological characteristics of JA-treated plants. JA-treatment did not influence the virus-induced changes in distribution endogenous JA between shoots and roots, but it reduced the endogenous JA levels, most visible in infected roots. Simultaneously, JA treatment reduced virus-induced decrease in plant fresh and dry weight, most visible in plant shoots. Present data suggest that the virus may influence the sensitivity of potato plants to exogenous JA treatment.