Author/Editor     Dolenc, Jasna; Dermastia, Marina
Title     Root system of PVYntn-infected potato cultivar "Igor" grown in vitro
Type     članek
Source     Phyton-Ann Rei Bot A
Vol. and No.     Letnik 39, št. 3 Spec Iss
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 253-7
Language     eng
Abstract     Morphological and histological characteristics of a root system were analysed in healthy and PVY NTN -infected potato plants (cv. 'Igor') grown in stem node tissue culture. After 35 days of growth the number and width of secondary roots were reduced, as well as the width of the primary roots. Histological analysis of root apical meristems showed more pronounced differences between healthy and infected plants in the structure of the central stele rather than the cortex.
Descriptors     PLANT ROOTS