Avtor/Urednik     Korbar, M
Naslov     Cepilni center Maribor: 30 let strokovnega in organiziranega dela
Prevedeni naslov     Maribor immunization centre: thirty years of expert and organizational work
Tip     članek
Vir     Slov Pediatr
Vol. in št.     Letnik 7, št. Suppl 1
Leto izdaje     2000
Obseg     str. 49-51
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     The author describes the historical development of the Immunization Centre, which is an organizational unit of the Maribor Dispensary for Children. The role of the Centre lies in a uniform doctrine in accordance with the Law on infectious diseases and the Regulations on immunization, medicamentous protection and protection from the introduction and spread of infectious diseases as well as in the yearly Programme of immunoprophylaxis and chemoprophylaxis prescribed by the Ministry of Health at proposal of the National Institute of Public Health, and published in "Uradni list". The organizational scheme of the Immunization Centre is unique in Slovenia. Lately the Centre has also taken over the immunization for physicians in private practice in Maribor. The immunization rate of children is extremely high, in some diseases amounting to over 95%.
Izvleček     Avtorica opisuje zgodovinski razvoj Cepilnega centra, ki je organizacijska enota Dispanzerja za otroke Maribor. Vloga Cepilnega centra je da deluje v skladu z enotno doktrini dela, ki jo predpiše Zakonom o nalezljivih boleznih in Pravilnikom o cepljenju, zaščiti z zdravili in varstvu pred vnosom in razširjanjem nalezljivih bolezni ter vsakoletnim Programom imunoprofilakse in kemoprofilakse, ki ga na predlog Inštituta za varovanje zdravja (IVZ) predpiše Ministrstvo za zdravstvo, in se objavi v Uradnem listu. Organizacijska shema Cepilnega centra je edinstvena v Sloveniji. V novejšem času je Center prevzel cepljenje tudi za zdravnice zasebnice v Mariboru. Precepljenost otrok je izredno visoka in dosega pri nekaterih boleznih tudi več kot 95%.