Author/Editor     Puntarec-Djukanović, I; Kolarič, D
Title     Lyellov sindrom
Translated title     Lyell's syndrome
Type     članek
Source     Slov Pediatr
Vol. and No.     Letnik 7, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 179-80
Language     slo
Abstract     The authors describe an 18 year-old female patient who developed Lyell's syndrome several days after receiving amoxycilin and naproxen treatment. After the withdrawal of the drugs, the patient was kept under close observation for six weeks and was treated with a course of corticosteroids, which resulted in the remission of the skin and mucosal lesions. The paper deals with the causes, th clinical manifestation, the diagnostic procedures and therapeutic possibilities of Lyell's syndrome.
Summary     Avtorja prikazujeta primer 18-letne bolnice z Lyellovim sindromom, ki je nastal nekaj dni po zaužitju amoksicilina in naproksena. Po ukinitvi teh zdravil ter po 6-tedenskem zdravljenju s kortikosteroidi in intenzivni negi je prišlo do remisije kožnih in mukoznih sprememb. V prispevku opisujeta avtorja vzroke, klinično sliko, diagnostične postopke in možnosti zdravljenja Lyellovega sindroma.