Author/Editor     Primožič, J; Janežič, T; Hribar, P; Grosek, Š; Arnež, Z; Vidmar, I; Kalan, G; Derganc, M
Title     Dolgotrajna zunajtelesna membranska oksigenacija (ECMO) pri hudo opečenih otrocih
Translated title     Extracorporeal membraneous oxygenation (ECMO) in extensively burned children
Type     članek
Source     Slov Pediatr
Vol. and No.     Letnik 7, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 237-41
Language     slo
Abstract     ECMO is method of treatment of children with severe acute respiratory failure after all the possibilities of mechanical ventilation, including inhalation of nitric oxide (NO), have been exhausted. Two children were treated by ECMO: a 14 year old girl vith 80% body surface burn who suffered and inhalation burn lung injury at the same time and did not survive after 17 days on ECMO, and a 5 year old boy with 26% body surface burn and ARDS who survived on ECMO lasting for 9 days without any sequels... In addition to the oxygenation index (OI) and the extent of barotrauma, circulatory instability served as an indicative parameter for ECMO treatment. While on ECMO, the burns were treated surgically, several times in both children. Extensive and coordinated work of intensivists and surgeons, combined with that of other specialists, was the keypoint of managing such a demanding pathology.
Summary     Dolgotrajna zunajtelesna membranska oksigenacija (ECMO) je način zdravljenja otrok s hudo bolnimi pljuči, potem ko so bili izčrpani vsi načini umetnega predihavanja, vključno z uporabo dušikovega monoksida (NO). Z ECMO so 17 dni zdravili štirinajstletno deklico z 80 odstotno opeklino, ki je hkrati utrpela inhalacijsko opeklino pljuč in ni preživela ter 9 dni petletnega dečka s 26 odstotno opeklino in hudo obliko akutnega respiratornega distresa (ARDS), ki je preživel brez posledic. Kot glavno merilo pri indikaciji za ECMO so poleg oksigenacijskega indeksa (OI) in obsežnosti barotravme upoštevali tudi cirkulatorno nestabilnost. Oba otroka sta moral biti, na ECMO, nekajkrat operirana, kar je predstavljalo velik in večplasten problem pri vodenju otrok. Zdravljenja tako zahtevnih bolnikov ni mogoče obvladati brez usklajenega skupinskega dela ne samo intenzivistov in kirurgov, ampak tudi strokovnjakov drugih strok.