Author/Editor     Burger, Janez
Title     An experimental model of the remote monitoring of the 131I effective activity in the thyroid
Type     monografija
Place     Zagreb
Publisher     Faculty of natural sciences and mathematics
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 119
Language     eng
Abstract     This work tries to prove the possibility of remote measuring of the effective activity of the radionuclide 131 I in the thyroid gland of the patient for radioprotection purposes. The patient is isolated in special room where the measurement should be performed automatically. For this purpose a special electronic prototype instrument with four Geiger-Muller tubes has been developed. The detectors are 90cm distanced on a straight rod. The signals are serially transferred to the remote computer where they are processed by the mathematical model of the measurement. It is based on the measurement simulation by computer simulating also the noise in detectors. The prototype of the measurement instrument is tested by measurements of the activity of the isotope in a cylindrical phantom, which is a model of the pa tint's neck with the radioactive isotope in the thyroid gland. The entire system is tested on an experimental device simulating the moving of the patient around in the limited area.
Descriptors     THYROID GLAND