Author/Editor     Lestan, Alenka
Title     Pogostnost raka med delavci na Onkološkem inštitutu v Ljubljani s posebnim poudarkom na delovna mesta izpostavljena ionizirajočemu sevanju in citostatikom
Type     monografija
Place     Zagreb
Publisher     Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Medicinski fakultet
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 97
Language     slo
Abstract     The occurrence of cancer among the personnel, employed at the Institute of Oncology between January 1, 1965 and December 31, 1993 was investigated in a retrospective cohort study. The aim of the study was to evaluate whether the observed incidence of cancer was greater than in the general slovenian population with special emphasis on the workers exposed to ionizing radiation and /or cytotoxic drugs. As the exact exposure data were not available, workers were classified according to their employment in ionizing radiation area or in the hospital department. Data on 2011 persons were obtained from the evidence of the personnel at the Institute of Oncology. The data were linked to those in the Cancer Registry of Slovenia and 88 cases of cancer were discovered; 6 of them were excluded because they arose before the beginning of the employment at the Institute of Oncology and 8 of them as they were not invasive (ca. in situ). So 74 cases of invasive cancer were included in current analysis. Expected number of cancers was obtained by multiplying age, sex and calendar time - specific cancer incidence rates in Slovenia per 100.000 population by appropriate person-years. Standardized incidence ratio (SIR) is the ratio between the observed and expected number of cancers. A slight but statistically significant increase of SIR among personnel of the Institute of Oncology was found out for all persons in the whole observation period (SIR 1,44; 95% CI 1,13-1,81). This increase was not statistically significant for males but only for females (SIR 1,52; 95% CI 1,15-1,97). SIR was especially increased for females working at the hospital department (SIR 1,61; 95% CI 1,11-2,27), and those working in ionizing radiation area (SIR 2,09; 95% CI 1,24-3,3). (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters.)
Descriptors     HOSPITALS, SPECIAL