Author/Editor     Maleš, Andreja; Hoyer, Silvestra
Title     Spolna zloraba otrok
Translated title     Sexual abuse of children
Type     članek
Source     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. and No.     Letnik 34, št. 1-2
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 39-42
Language     eng
Abstract     The article presents the results of a research dealing with the problems of abused children in the frames of work of community nurses. Sixty community nurses from the regions of Ljubljana, Kamnik and Domžale have been investigated. The hypothesis that community nurses often encounter sexual abuse during their fieldwork has been proven. According to the results of the questionnaire, one fourth of the investigated nurses have encountered with sexual abuse. However, the fact that one fourth of the investigated nurses have received no training from sexual abuse, is in our opinion worrying.
Summary     Članek predstavlja rezultate raziskave, ki je obravnavala problematiko spolno zlorabljenih otrok v delu patronažnih medicinskih sester. Anketiranih je bilo 60 patronažnih medicinskih sester iz območnih enot Ljubljane; Kamnika in Domžal. Potrjena je hipoteza, da se patronažne medicinske sestre na terenu pogosto srečujejo s spolno zlorabljenimi otroki. Po rezultatih ankete se je z njimi srečala kar četrtina anketirank. Zaskrbljujoč pa je podatek, da se četrtina anketirank za področje spolnih zlorab ni izobraževala.
Descriptors     CHILD ABUSE, SEXUAL