Author/Editor     Kalin-Vodopivec, Monika
Title     Odnos negovalnega tima do procesa zdravstvene nege v Splošni bolnišnici "Dr. Franc Derganc" Nova Gorica
Translated title     The attitude of nursing team towards the process of nursing care in the General Hospital Dr. Franc Derganc in Nova Gorica
Type     članek
Source     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. and No.     Letnik 34, št. 1-2
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 67-72
Language     slo
Abstract     The process of nursing care enables the systematic approach to the client and the solution of nursing problems. The goals of the introduction of this method in health institutions is continuous nursing care of high quality. The present review article analyses the attitude of the nursing team towards the process of nursing care in the General Hospatal Dr. Franc Derganc in Nova Gorica. The aim of the research is to find out the opinion of nurses and nursing technicians about the implementation of the process of nursing care in the treatment process of a patient/client. The study revealed that the carrying out of nursing according to the principles of the process of nursing care can be problematic which is in the first place the result of the age and the length of working period of the nurses. Personal changes, apathy and burn out are the reasons for alienated attitude towards new knowledge and progress in nursing care.
Summary     Proces zdravstvene nege omogoča sistematični pristop k varovancu in reševanju negovalnih problemov. Z uvajanjem te metode v zdravstvene ustanove želimo doseči, da se bo izvajala kontinuirana in kakovostna zdravstvena nega. Pričujoči pregledni članek obravnava raziskavo o odnosu negovalnega tima do procesa zdravstvene nege v Splošni bolnišnici "Dr. Franc Derganc" v Novi Gorici. Namen raziskave je ugotoviti mnenje medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov o izvajanju procesa zdravstvene nege, poznavanje in vključevanje le-tega v zdravljenje bolnika/varovanca. Študija je pokazala, je da izvajanje zdravstvene nege po procesu zdravstvene nege lahko tudi problematično, na kar vplivata predvsem starost ter delovni staž medicinskih sester. Osebnostno se medicinske sestre spreminjajo, otopevajo, izgorevajo in izkazujejo odtujen odnos do novih spoznanj in napredovanj v zdravstveni negi.
Descriptors     NURSING, TEAM