Author/Editor | Fuerst, Jurij | |
Title | Obvladovanje porabe protimikrobnih in drugih zdravil | |
Translated title | Containment of the prescription of antimicrobials and other drugs | |
Type | članek | |
Source | Med Razgl | |
Vol. and No. | Letnik 39, št. Suppl 1 | |
Publication year | 2000 | |
Volume | str. 22-8 | |
Language | slo | |
Abstract | The total amount of funds spent on prescription drugs in Slovenia has been increasing quite rapidly over recent years. Even with large increases in private expenditure, the National Health Insurance (NHI) has not been spared. Public outlay for prescription drug consumption has been increasing more rapidly than the corresponding outlay for other types of health care, consequently (with the total public budget for medical care remaining constant) endangering primary and hospital health-care services to the population. The author gives a brief review of NHI efforts to limit the increase. The article then focuses on the consumption of antimicrobials during the period 1997 to 1999. It offers an analysis of the factors that have contributed to the aforementioned shift (changes in medical doctrine regarding drug prescription, and price increases of antimicrobial drugs). Finally, the need to change the trend is stressed and some possible solutions are proposed. | |
Summary | Odhodki zdravstvenega zavarovanja za zdravila se povečujejo hitreje kot drugi odhodki v zdravstvu v Sloveniji in zato ob enaki prispevni stopnji ogrožajo ostale zdravstvene programe. Primerjava kaže previsok delež javnih sredstev za zdravila, kljub temu da se je delež zasebnih sredstev v zadnjih letih zelo zvišal. Opisani so dosedanji ukrepi za omejitev porabe zdravil. Prispevek podaja kratko analizo porabe protimikrobnih zdravil v Sloveniji v polletnih obdobjih 1997-99 in ugotavlja vzroke za bistven porast odhodkov zanje. Ti so predvsem podražitev zdravil in spremenjena struktura predpisovanja. Poudarja nujnost sprememb in nakazuje možne rešitve. | |