Author/Editor | Radešček-Rakar, Rasta | |
Title | Nejasno vročinsko staje v otroškem obdobju - akutno in prolongirano | |
Translated title | Fever without localizing signs and fever of unknown origin in childhood | |
Type | članek | |
Source | Med Razgl | |
Vol. and No. | Letnik 39, št. Suppl 1 | |
Publication year | 2000 | |
Volume | str. 101-12 | |
Language | slo | |
Abstract | The aim of our work was to discover the best diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to the problems of fever without localising signs and fever of unknown origin fever of unknown orgin. The patients were selected from 2578 children aged 15 years or younger who were admitted to the University Department of Infectious Diseases, Ljubljana, in 1998. 57 of them fulfilled the fever without localising signs criteria and 31 children the fever of unknown origin criteria. Our results are compared with the data of many other investigators. Finally, recommendations are given for the survey, diagnostic approach and management of children with fever without localising signs or fever of unknown origin. | |
Summary | Namen našega dela je bil najti najustreznejši diagnostičen in terapevtski postopek z bolnikom - otrokom z nejasnim vročinskim stanjem. V prispevku obravnavamo tako akutno obliko brez žariščnih simptomov kot tudi prolongirano obliko. V ta namen smo izmed 2578 otrok do 15. leta starosti, ki so se zdravili na Kliniki za nalezljive bolezni in vročinska stanja v letu 1998, izbrali 88 otrok, ki so ustrezali predpisanim kriterijem; 57 otrok se je zdravilo zaradi nepojasnjenega akutnega vročinskega stanja brez žariščnih simptomov in 31 otrok zaradi nepojasnjenega prolongiranega vročinskega stanja. Rezultate smo primerjali z opažanji drugih avtorjev. Na koncu smo pripravili priporočila za postopek z otrokom z nejasnim vročinskim stanjem. | |