Avtor/Urednik     Flaker, Vito
Naslov     Delo in stigma: socialna posledica uživanja heroina
Prevedeni naslov     Work, employment and stigma: a social consequence of heroin use
Tip     članek
Vir     Odvisnosti
Vol. in št.     Letnik 1, št. 1-2
Leto izdaje     2000
Obseg     str. 44-54
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     The present article is based on the data of an extensive research of a qualitative nature. The topics of work and stigma were examined as their association has been revealed through inductive analysis. Situations regarding work were investigated. It was found that although the prevailing stereotype of drug users is valid in some cases, there is a substantial number of users who work. In the process of lay-offs or bullying at the work place, stigma plays a major role regardless of whether it is the result of actual breach of duties or simple conjectures. The conditions for maintaining employment and the tactics of covering up the stigma were analysed, the reasons for working or not working compared, and the sources of income recorded. The conclusion is that stigma is above all an issue related to the work environment due to it s greated formal control, but also because it has been shown that it is an economic as well as interactional issue.
Izvleček     Prispevek temelji na poročilu obširne raziskave kvalitativnega značaja. V procesu induktivne analize sta se sočasno pojavili vprašanji dela in stigme. Iz ugotovitev je sicer razvidno, da prevladujoči stereotip o uživalcih drog velja za nekatere primere, vendar raziskava pokaže na precejšnje število uživalcev drog, ki delajo. V procesih ohranjanja službe in odpuščanja z dela igra stigma bistveno vlogo, ne glede na to, ali temelji na dejanskih delovnih prekrških ali na domnevah. V raziskavi analiziramo pogoje vzdrževanja zaposlitve in taktike prikrivanja stigme ter zabeležimo razloge v zvezi z zaposlitvijo in brezposelnostjo. Sklep raziskave je, da je stigma predvsem vprašanje delovnega okolja na eni strani zaradi večje formalne kontrole v tem okolju, na drugi strani pa zato, ker poleg interakcijske pomeni tudi ekonomsko kategorijo.
Deskriptorji     HEROIN DEPENDENCE