Author/Editor     Zupančič, Maja; Vrhovšek, Danijel
Title     Constructed wetland as an essential part of local community water environment protection
Type     članek
Source     In: Ecimovic T, Stuhler EA, Vezjak M, editors. Local agenda 21. Through case method research and teaching towards a sustainable future. Proceedings of the 16th international conference on case method research and case method application; 1999 Jul 7-10; Kaunas, Lithuaia. Muenchen; Mering: Rainer Hampp,
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 51-7
Language     eng
Abstract     Constructed wetland (CW) as a waste water treatment technology is an innovative approach for eliminating environmental pollution from land-based activities. In CW, which employs self cleaning ability of ecosystems, waste water is purified by flowing through the substrate where it comes into contact with plants and micro-organisms. The carefully selected plants, substrata and micro-organisms substitute the expensive machinery and significantly reduce maintenance and practically eliminate the need for external energy sources. Due to simplified system no facilities nor concrete structures are needed. Furthermore, the purified water can be accumulated and used for irrigation purposes, fighting fires or cultivating aqua culture. Thus the advantages of CW compared with conventional water treatment plants are: a relatively inexpensive construction, simpler maintenance and less dissipation of energy. With regard to the demographic structure and numerous scattered communities in different countries in Europe, especially central and south Europe, there are many possibilities for application of these treatment plants.
Descriptors     WATER POLLUTANTS