Avtor/Urednik     Hitejc, Zdenka
Naslov     Uporaba teorije Dorothy Orem v procesu zdravstvene nege otroka z motnjo v duševnem in telesnem razvoju
Prevedeni naslov     Application of the theory of Dorothy Orem in the process of nursing care of menthally and physically handicapted children
Tip     članek
Vir     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. in št.     Letnik 34, št. 3-4
Leto izdaje     2000
Obseg     str. 121-5
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     The present article stresses the application of theoretical principles of the model of Dorothy Orem in practical work following the principles of nursing care. The author describes the concepts of the model, especially Dorothy Orems attitude to nursing care. Following these concepts, the population of mentaly and physicaly handicapped children in presented. Further, the needs of the children deriving from their dependability on their surroundings, are described. Interventions of nursing care according to life activities are founded on basic elements of the treatment of children with cerebral palsy. In the closing part of the article, the goals of the activities performed by nurse are described; these activities help the child maintain the balance between his/her abilities and needs.
Izvleček     Pomemben poudarek članka je na prenosu teoretičnih načel modela Dorothee Orem v praktično delo po procesu zdravstvene nege. Avtorica najprej opiše koncept modela, predvsem pogled Dorothee Orem na zdravstveno nego. V okviru konceptov predstavi populacijo otrok z motnjo v duševnem in telesnem razvoju. V nadaljevanju prikaže potrebe otrok, ki jih narekuje ugotovljena odvisnost otrok od pomoči iz okolja. Intervencije zdravstvene nege, ki sledijo življenskim aktivnostim naslanja na osnovne elemente pravilnega ravnanja z otroki s cerebralno paralizo. Članek se sklene s postavljenimi cilji, ki narekujejo aktivnosti, ki jih medicinska sestra opravi in s tem pomaga otroku vzdrževati ravnovesje med sposobnostmi in potrebami.