Author/Editor     Žargi, Miha
Title     Slovenska otorinolaringologija danes in jutri
Translated title     Otorhinolaryngology in Slovenia today and tomorrow
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 39, št. Suppl 3
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 3-8
Language     slo
Abstract     In Slovenia, otorhinolaryngology as a speciality appeared - as in the majority of central European countries - in the early 20th century and has endeavoured to keep up, not without difficulties, with the development of all fields of this branch of medicine. At the threshold of the new century, we are confronted with new challenges and demands, not only with marked improvements in diagnosis and treatment, especially with the introduction of modern technologies changing surgical techniques, but also with an increasingly steady trend away from sometimes prolonged hospital stays towards one-day surgery and outpatient procedures. Not only should the methods of hospital budgetary allocation change, as they are changing in most industrialised countries, but more intensive treatment will require new organisational approaches, a more consistent distribution of subspecial treatments and new programs of postgraduate training.
Summary     Otorinolaringologija kot specialnost se je v Sloveniji tako kot v večini srednjeevropskih držav pojavila v zgodnjih letih 20. stoletja in sledila, le z manjšim zamikom, razvoju stroke na vseh področjih naše medicinske veje. Na pragu novega stoletja se soočamo z novimi izzivi in zahtevami. Ne gre samo za številne novosti pri prepoznavanju in zdravljenju naših bolezni, še posebej za hiter napredek tehnologije in s tem uvajanje novih kirurških tehnik, ampak tudi za usmeritev k čim krajšemu bolnišničnemu zdravljenju in za prenos zdravljenja, tudi kirurškega, v ambulante. Zaradi večje intenzivnosti dela bo treba uvesti nove načine vrednotenja in plačevanja zdravstvenih storitev, potrebna bo nova organizacija dela, doslednejša delitev dela na posameznih subspecialističnih področjih in novi programi podiplomskega izobraževanja, na prvem mestu specializacije.
Descriptors     OTOLARYNGOLOGY