Author/Editor     Smrdel, Uroš; Lešničar, Hotimir
Title     Primarno obsevalno zdravljenje karcinoma ustnice na Onkološkem Inštitutu v obdobju 1975-1994
Translated title     Primary radiotherapy of lip carcinoma at the Institute of Oncology between 1975 and 1994
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 39, št. Suppl 3
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 49-52
Language     slo
Abstract     The aim of our analysis was to review and evaluate the results of treatment of lip cancer with radiation therapy at the Institute of oncology between 1975 and 1994. Sixtythree patients were included in analysis, wich were treated for lip cancer with primary radiation therapy. There were 52 complete responses and 5 years disease specific survival of 68% for all the patients. We found statisticaly significant differences acording to extend of the tumor and given dose. We conclude, that radiation therapy is a successfulmodality of early lip cancer treatment and provides successful paliation for advanced forms.
Summary     Namen naše analize je bil pregledati in ovrednotiti rezultate zdravljenja raka ustnice z obsevanjem v obdobju 1975-1994. V analizo smo vključili 63 bolnikov, ki so se v tem obdobju zdravili zaradi raka ustnice na Onkološkem inštitutu primarno z obsevanjem. Med temi bolniki smo dosegli 52 popolnih odzivov in petletno za bolezen specifično preživetje 68 %. Ugotavljamo statistično pomembne razlike v rezultatih glede na razširjenost tumorja in dano dozo. Zaključujemo, da je obsevanje uspešna oblika zdravljenja zgodnjega raka ustnice ter pri napredovalih oblikah uspešna paliacija.
Descriptors     LIP NEOPLASMS