Author/Editor     Žic, Rado; Čizmarevič, Bogdan; Grošeta, Tomislav; Munda, Anton; Lanišnik, Boštjan; Didanovič, Vojko
Title     Poškodbe grla
Translated title     Laryngeal trauma
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 39, št. Suppl 3
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 161-3
Language     slo
Abstract     Injuries of the larynx are relatively rare. From the back, the larynx is protected by the cervical spine, laterally by strong muscles and from the front by the mandible. In these times of fast traffic and intense sports activities, blunt injuries are more common than penetrating ones. The characteristic manifestations include dyspnea, stridor, emphysema, hemophthisis and voice changes. Laryngeal wounds may cause complete airway obstruction with suffocation. Along with associated injury to the trachea, the cervical spine, large vessels and the vertebral column, this accounts for a high frequency of deaths at the site of accidents. The maintenance of adequate airway is the main problem; this is followed by hemostasis and transport to an adequate hospital. Early and complete surgical repair yields the best results.
Summary     Poškodbe grla so relativno redke. Grlo je precej dobro zaščiteno, s hrbtne strani ga ščiti hrbtenica, z leve in desne strani so močne vratne mišice, spredaj je spodnja čeljustnica. Pri poskusu udarca se brada refleksno spusti na prsa, glava pa umakne. Topi udarci, zlasti v prometnih nesrečah, so pogostejši kot pa raztrganine in penetrantne poškodbe. Za poškodbe grla so značilni: občutek težkega dihanja, hropenje, izkašljevanje krvi, emfizem in sprememba glasu. Poškodbe grla, če so zelo težke, povzročijo zaporo dihalne poti in zadušitev na mestu nesreče. Temu seveda pripomorejo tudi raztrganine velikih krvnih žil, zlomi hrbtenice in mehkih delov vratu. Pri poškodovancu je treba najprej vzpostaviti dihalno pot, nato ustaviti krvavitev in poškodovanca pripeljati v bolnišnico, kjer bo narejena popolna kirurška oskrba poškodbe.
Descriptors     LARYNX