Author/Editor     Friedrich, Gerhardt
Title     Therapy of insufficient glottic closure
Translated title     Zdravljenje nepopolne zapore glasilk
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 39, št. Suppl 3
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 303-6
Language     eng
Abstract     Glottic insufficiency is one of the most common causes for voice disorders. The basic principle of all phonosurgical methods is the medialization of the paralyzed vocal fold. In order to create a complete glottic closure, Isshiki in the 1970 took up the Payr's idea of the external vocal fold medialization, modified and systematized it as Laryngeal Framework Surgery and Thyreoplasty Type I. respectively. We started with this technique 1991 and in accordance with numerous reports in literature our own results have been satisfactory. Nevertheless, similar to other authors, we experienced some disadvantages and limitations of the "Isshiki method" concerning both the implant and the surgical technique. For these resons we developed in collaboration with the Heinz Kurz Company, Dusslinger, Germany, an implant made of medical-grade titanium (Titanium Vocal Fold Medializing Implant; TVFMI). Our clinical results in up to now 122 patients show evidence that an external vocal fold medialization can be performed easily and without complications. The functional results are, in accordance with statements in the literature, good and stable. We see the following distinct advantages of the external approach: it is reversible and can be corrected; it can be combined with other phonosurgical approaches; it is also applicable in mobile vocal folds; it enables intraoperative fine-tuning and the results are good and permanent. The disadvantages are that the surgical procedure is more time consuming and laborious, and result in a visible scar. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters)
Summary     Nepopolna zapora glasilk je najpogostejši vzrok hripavosti. Temeljni princip fonokirurgije je medializacija ohromljene glasilke, da bi lahko nastala popolna zapora glasilk pri fonaciji. Isshiki je v 70. letih razvil tireoplastiko tipa I. Avtor je leta 1991 skupaj z Heinz Kurz Company, Dusslinger, iz Nemčije, razvil vsadek, napravljen iz titanija (Titanium Vocal Fold Medializing Implant; TVFMI) za medializacijo glasilke z zunanjim pristopom. Glede na klinične izkušnje po obravnavi 122 bolnikih je medializacija glasilke z zunanjim pristopom enostaven poseg. Funkcionalni rezultati so dobri in se s časom ne slabšajo. Avtor opisuje prednosti in slabosti novega načina medializacije glasilke s titanijevim vsadkom.
Descriptors     VOCAL CORDS