Author/Editor     Koželj, Vesna
Title     Soodvisnost funkcije in morfologije zgornjega dela ustne votline pri enostranskih heilognatopalatoshizah
Translated title     The interdependence of function and morphology of the upper part of the oral cavity in unilateral complete cleft lip and palate patients
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 39, št. Suppl 3
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 317-20
Language     slo
Abstract     At birth, a child with a unilateral complete cleft of the lip alveolus and palate has a characteristically formed upper part of the oral cavity and a strongly deformed nasal septum. This condition is a consequence of the functional adaptation of the affected structures during the prenatal period. After birth, these deformities remain, but they do not impair the development of the facial skeleton, which does not manifest any significant deviations from the normal after the end of the growth period. Surgical procedures change these conditions and the child is forced to begin breathing also through the mouth. In mouth breathing, the tongue cannot rest on the palate and this leads to an altered balance between the muscles which surround and fill the oral cavity. The changed balance is the reason for incorrect development of the facial skeleton, which results in a severe orthognathic anomaly. With presurgical treatment used at this Department, we have succeeded in reducing the degree of nasal septum deformities to an extent which allows unimpaired nasal breathing after surgery. If the child also maintains a proper position of the tongue, there are chances for normal skeletal development.
Summary     Otrok z enostransko heilogantopalatoshizo ima ob rojstvu za svojo anomalijo značilno oblikovan zgornji del ustne votline in močno deformiran nosni pretin. Oboje je posledica funkcionalne prilagoditve prizadetih predelov na shizo pred rojstvom. Po rojstvu se deformacije ohranjajo, vendar omogočajo ustrezen razvoj obraznega skeleta, ki ob doraslosti ne kaže očitnih odstopanj od normale. Operacijski posegi spremenijo razmere in prisilijo otroka, da začne dihati tudi skozi usta. Pri dihanju skozi usta jezik ne more sloneti na nebu, kar se odraža v spremenjenem ravnovesju med mišičjem, ki ustno votlino obdaja in izpolnjuje. To ima za posledico nepravilen razvoj obraznega skeleta, ki se konča s hudo ortognatsko anomalijo. S predoperacijsko čeljustnoortopedsko pripravo, ki jo pri nas izvajamo, dosežemo, da se deformacija pretina zmanjša, tako da zmore otrok dihati skozi nos tudi po operacijskem zdravljenju. Če hkrati ohrani tudi pravilno držo jezika, ima pogoje za normalen razvoj obraznega skeleta.
Descriptors     CLEFT LIP