Avtor/Urednik     Lanišnik, Boštjan; Čizmarevič, Bogdan; Didanovič, Vojko; Munda, Anton
Naslov     Nekrotizirajoči fasciitis ter globoki ognojki v področju glave in vratu
Prevedeni naslov     Necrotising fasciitis and deep abscesses in the head and neck region
Tip     članek
Vir     Med Razgl
Vol. in št.     Letnik 39, št. Suppl 3
Leto izdaje     2000
Obseg     str. 365-9
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Necrotising fasciitis of the head and neck is relatively rare, but frequently misdiagnosed, and is described with various terms. More frequent than necrotising fasciitis are deep neck abscesses. Both diseases have been known to the medical community for over 100 years, but they are still misdiagnosed or recognised at late stages of development with complications, which all leads to a higher mortality rate. In this article, we will present the basic mechanisms in the development of suppurative infections of the head and neck and our experiences in treating them.
Izvleček     Nekrotizirajoči fasciitis glave in vratu je relativno redka, a velikokrat tudi neprepoznana bolezen in se pojavlja pod različnimi imeni. Pogostejši kot nekrotizirajoči fasciitis so globoki ognojki vratu. Obe bolezni sta poznani v medicini že več kot 100 let, a še vedno nepravilno diagnosticirani, pozno spoznani z že razvitimi zapleti, kar vodi v precej veliko smrtnost. V tem prispevku bomo predstavili osnovne mehanizme razvoja gnojnih vnetij v področju glave in vratu in naše izkušnje v zdravljenju le-teh.