Author/Editor     Macarol-Hiti, M; Teržan, M
Title     Poškodbe pri delu v Sloveniji v zadnjih desetih letih (1989 do 1998)
Type     članek
Source     In: Zbornik referatov 4. mednarodna konferenca Globalna varnost; 2000 jun 18-21; Bled. Ljubljana: Zavod za varstvo pri delu,
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 97-105
Language     slo
Abstract     Accidents at work are beside the occupational diseases the most important negative health indicator. Their importance is in presenting quality of health and safety at work and to plan the preventive activities for improving workers health. The data on accidents at work are from the database of the Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia. We have processed them by statistical programme SPSS for Windows 8.0 and Excell.We analysed all accidents at work in the period from 1989 to 1998. We found out that there were about 30 accidents at work reported per 1000 employees in last years and that mortality due to accidents at work has decreased in last ten years from 5 to 3,6 deaths per 100000 employees. Men have been injured 2,8 times more often than women and they died at work 2,6 times more often. Young workers are of the greates risk. We have separately investigated accidents at the workplace and commuting accidents. There were about 11 percent of commuting accidents among all reported cases. Among accidents that caused death 27 percent of them were commuting accidents. Falls of persons had been the reason for majority of commuting accidents. Clear need for modernisation of the reporting forms for accidents at work has become evident maeantime. It is evident that men and young workers are at the highest risk. The need of permanent theoretical and practical education is stressed. It was found out that we should prepare separate preventive programmes on accident at work and commuting accidents.