Avtor/Urednik     Hitejc, Zdenka
Naslov     Vzdrževanje stikov družine z otrokom z motnjo v duševnem razvoju v centru Dolfke Boštjančič
Prevedeni naslov     Maintaining relations between mentally handicapped children and their families in the Center Dolfka Bostjancic
Tip     članek
Vir     Zdrav Vars
Vol. in št.     Letnik 39, št. 5-6
Leto izdaje     2000
Obseg     str. 113-21
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     The subject is identification of some of the elements which have an influence on maintaining relations between mentally handicapped children and their families in the Center Doltka Bostjancic. It is based on the prevailing professional definition which is very much in favour of the consistency of co-operation between parents and experts, also when the child is institutionalized. In the empirical part the author is checking the hypothesis. That the time children spend at home is influenced by selected variables. The sample is presented by 196 children of the Center Dolfka Bostjancic. Method of work is descriptive. The hypothesis is checked by chi-square test. The results show which children spend more time at home. These are children with a minor mental handicap, children who are only mentally but not also physically handicapped, those who were under daily supervision and finally those who have less brothers or sisters.
Izvleček     Avtorica identificira nekatere izmed elementov, ki vplivajo na vzdrževanje stikov med družino in otrokom z motnjo v Centru Dolfke Boštjančič. Prevladujoča strokovna opredelitev zagovarja veliko pomembnost neprekinjenega sodelovanja staršev in strokovnjakov, tudi če je otrok v zavodu. V empiričnem delu preverja hipotezo, da na čas, ki ga otroci preživijo doma, vplivajo izbrane spremenljivke. Vzorec predstavlja 196 otrok Centra Dolfke Boštjančič. Metoda dela je deskriptivna. Hipotezo preverja s testom hi-kvadrat in ugotovi, da preživijo več dni doma tisti otroci, ki imajo nižjo stopnjo motnje v duševnem razvoju, ki nimajo kombinirane motnje v duševnem in telesnem razvoju, ki so obiskovali dnevno varstvo in imajo manj sorojencev.