Author/Editor     Temple, Wally J
Title     Limb salvage in soft tissue sarcomas
Translated title     Terapija z ohranitvijo organov pri zdravljenju sarkomov mehkih tkiv
Type     članek
Source     Radiol Oncol
Vol. and No.     Letnik 34, št. 3
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 269-73, 311
Language     eng
Abstract     In 2000, most patients with soft tissue sarcomas of the axial or appendicular skeleton can expect 'to walk away' from the surgery. This compares to just 20 years ago when a relatively high percentage of patients were treated with amputation. Now the treatment has changed to one of wide local excision with a 1 cm to 2 cm margin on normal tissues and an adventitial margin on critical structures such as nerves or vessels, followed or preceded by radiotherapy. With the use of adjuvant treatments in combination with reconstructive surgery, over 90% of patients with sarcomas of the soft tissues or bone may be rendered disease free locally. The only restriction to this approach is when tumor involves the major nerve to a limb or when microscopic, clear margins cannot be obtained at the time of surgery as both of these are best treated with an imputation.
Summary     Sedaj, v letu 2000 lahko večina bolnikov s sarkomi mehkih tkiv pričakuje, da bo hodila po operaciji, kar predstavlja velik napredek v primerjavi z zdravljenjem pred 20 leti, ko je bila amputacija okončin standardni način zdravljenja. Danes se zdravi s široko lokalno ekscizijo z varnostnim robom 1-2 cm v zdrava tkiva, v kombinaciji z radioterapijo pred ali po operaciji. Lokalno lahko na tak način z rekonstrukcijsko kirurgijo in adjuvantnim zdravljenjem dosežemo 90% kontrolo rasti tumorja. Edina omejitev za tak poseg je, ko je bolezen napredovala in objela živce okončine, ali če ne moremo pri operaciji doseči čistih robov, takrat je še vedno potrebna amputacija okončine.