Author/Editor     Anžin, M
Title     Deset let šole proti bolečini v križu v zdravilišču Laško
Translated title     Ten years of back school in the Laško spa
Type     članek
Source     Fizioterapija
Vol. and No.     Letnik 8, št. 1
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 10-12
Language     slo
Abstract     The treatment of spinal disorders is considered one of the most important orientations of the Laško Spa. The aim of this paper is to compare the statistics on the patients having undergone treatment for spinal disorder or injuries in the Laško Spa in the years 1990 and 1998. An increase of 28% had been noted in the number of such patients. In February and March of the current year 50 participants in the back school were surveyed, the results of this survey highlighting both the need for as well as the importance and role of a physiotherapist in the process of health educational activity.
Summary     V Zdravilišču Laško je ena od pomembnih dejavnosti tudi zdravljenje obolenj hrbtenice. V prispevku želim prikazati primerjavo statističnih podatkov bolnikov, ki so se zdravili v Zdravilišču Laško zaradi bolezni ali poškodb hrbtenice v letu 1990 in letu 1998. Število teh se je povečalo za 28 %. Leta 2000 smo februarja in marca anketirali 50 udeležencev Šole proti bolečini v križu (SPBK). Ker so udeleženci s programom zadovoljni, bomo spremljali rezultate ter izpopolnjevali program in s tem dokazali potrebo, pomen in vlogo fizioterapevta v zdravstvenovzgojnem delu.
Descriptors     HEALTH RESORTS