Avtor/Urednik     Mesesnel, D
Naslov     Primer funkcionalne rehabilitacije športnika s pomočjo dodatne električne stimulacije
Prevedeni naslov     The case of functional rehabilitation of sportsmen with additional electrical stimulation
Tip     članek
Vir     Fizioterapija
Vol. in št.     Letnik 8, št. 1
Leto izdaje     2000
Obseg     str. 23-7
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Unfortunatelly also injuries and impairments can happen during sport activities. They often influence success or failure of sportsmen. Therefore it is advisable that a preventive part against injuries should be included in the training programme of sportsmen. In the article the author presents the functional rehabilitation of sportsmen after severe injury of the knee. According to the author's opinion it was electrical stimulation of muscles which played an important role in the process of rehabilitation. The results of measurements are presented, too. It is important to stress out that after the rehabiliation process was completed, sportsmen were able to continue with the previous training programme.
Izvleček     Športne poškodbe in okvare so na žalost sestavni del športa. Pogosto so prav poškodbe oziroma njihova odsotnost odločilni dejavnik športnikove uspešnosti oziroma neuspešnosti. Preventiva pred športnimi poškodbami bi zato morala biti zelo pomemben del športnikovega urjenja. V članku je predstavljena funkcionalna rehabilitacija športnika po hudi poškodbi kolena. Pri rehabilitaciji poškodbe je odločilna električna stimulacija mišic, ki je bila smiselno vključena v celoten program rehabilitacije. Predstavljeni so tudi rezultati meritev in dejstvo, da je športnik po opravljeni rehabilitaciji sposoben ponovnega urjenja.
Deskriptorji     KNEE INJURIES