Author/Editor     Janžekovič, Franc; Ficko, Melita
Title     Prehrana pegaste sove Tyto alba na Goričkem
Translated title     Diet composition of the barn owl Tyto alba at Goričko
Type     članek
Source     Acrocephalus
Vol. and No.     Letnik 21, št. 98-99
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 27-9
Language     slo
Abstract     Diet of the Barn Owl Tyto alba was studied in the traditional cultural landscape of Goričko (NE Slovenia). The pellets were collected during the 1997-1998 period in the attics of the churches at Domanjševci, Adrijanci and Hodoš. The owl preyed on 18 different mammal species, including Common Bat Myotis myotis. The most preyed species by number (39%) and by biomass (54%) was Common Vole Microtus arvalis. The prey was selected opportunistically, which is reftected through the wide feeding niche, with the trophic diversiry index of 0.80. The owl fed mainly on small mammals with average body mass ranging between 10 and 30 g.
Summary     Na območju tradicionalne kulturne krajine na Goričkem smo preučevali prehrano pegaste sove Tyto alba. Izbljuvke smo nabrali v letih 1997 in 1998 na podstrešjih cerkva v Domanjševcih, Adrijancih in Hodošu. Sova je plenila 18 različnih vrst sesalcev, med njimi tudi navadnega netopirja Myotis myotis. Najpomembnejša sestavina plena je bila poljska voluharica Microtus arvalis z 39% deležem in s 54% v deležu biomase. Plen je izbirala opurtunistično, kar se izkazuje skozi široko prehranjevalno nišo, indeks trofične diverzitete je 0,80. Izbirala je predvsem male sesalce povprečne telesne mase 10 do 30 g.
Descriptors     BIRDS