Author/Editor     Rubinič, Borut
Title     Smrtnost sov Strigiformes an avtocestah med Bologno in Trbižem (Italija) pozimi 1998-99
Translated title     Mortality rate of owls Strigiformes on motorways between Bologna and Monfalcone (Italy) in the winter of 1998-99
Type     članek
Source     Acrocephalus
Vol. and No.     Letnik 21, št. 98-99
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 67-70
Language     slo
Abstract     During the two inspections of three sections of the 278 km long Bologna-Monfalcone motorway in northern Italy on December 25th 1998 and March 8th 1999, the author found 70 cadavers of owls. 48 of these were identified, while in 36 of them the author also managed to determine their sex and age. For 25 individuals found on March 8th 1999, the surroundings of the place of recovery and the actual road location were established. The run over owls belonged to three different owl species: Long-eared Owl Asio otus, Little Owl Athene noctua and Barn Owl Tyto alba.
Summary     Na treh odsekih 278 km dolge avtoceste med mestoma Bologna in Trbiž v severni Italiji sem 25.12.1998 in 8.3.1999 našel 70 kadavrov sov. Od teh sem jih 48 vrstno določil, pri 36 osebkih pa sem določil tudi spol in starost. Za 25 osebkov najdenih 8.3.1999, sem ugotovil tudi okolico kraja najdbe in mesto najdbe na cestišču. Povožene sove so pripadale trem vrstam: mali uharici Asio otus, čuku Athene noctua in pegasti sovi Tyto alba.
Descriptors     BIRDS