Avtor/Urednik | Knap, B; Južnič, G; Južnič, SCJE; Noordergraaf, A; Kandus, A; Ponikvar, R; Bren, AF | |
Naslov | A spherical shape and an enlarged size of left ventricle in dialysis patients is an indicator of hypervolemia and/or mild LV's dysfunction | |
Tip | članek | |
Vir | In: Buturović-Ponikvar J, Bren AF, editors. Zbornik 2. slovenski nefrološki kongres z mednarodno udeležbo ob 30. letnici dialize in transplantacije ledvic v Sloveniji; 2000 sep 27-30; Brdo pri Kranju. Ljubljana: Klinični center, Klinični oddelek za nefrologijo, | |
Leto izdaje | 2000 | |
Obseg | str. 253-6 | |
Jezik | eng | |
Abstrakt | It was assumed that dialysis patients with chronicle hypervolemia and/ or patients with mild LV' s dysfunction posses more spherical shape of LV. The aim of our study was to proof the cylindricality-as index in patients with eccentric hypertrophy (ten dialysis patients with volume overload) and in fourteen patients from outpatients clinic with long-term arterial hypertension (pressure overload). An experimental mathematical model using echocardiography and Simpson's rule was constructed for non-invasive determination of endocardial surface area and shape index of LV (cylindricality ). In pressure overload, cylindricality of the LV in diastole is increased and endocardial surface area of LV in diastole is diminished. The LV reacts with adaptation against increased afterload diminishing the endocardial surface area of LV and more elongated chamber of LV - more cylindrical shape. The opposite results, and from this reason bad prognosis from functional point of view occurred in eccentric hypertrophy. Mild LV's dysfunction and hypervolemia of hemodialysis patients resulted in enlarged size and more spherical shape of LV (decreasing value of cylindricality). | |