Author/Editor     Koek, Tanja; Hojs, Radovan
Title     Lipoprotein (A) pri bolnikih z nefrotičnim sindromom
Translated title     Lipoprotein (A) in patients with nephrotic syndrome
Type     članek
Source     In: Buturović-Ponikvar J, Bren AF, editors. Zbornik 2. slovenski nefrološki kongres z mednarodno udeležbo ob 30. letnici dialize in transplantacije ledvic v Sloveniji; 2000 sep 27-30; Brdo pri Kranju. Ljubljana: Klinični center, Klinični oddelek za nefrologijo,
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 343-9
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. Dyslipoproteinemia in nephrotic patients is characterized by increased very low density lipoprotein, intermediate density lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein, lipoprotein(a) (Lp(a)) and results from increased synthesis and decreased fractional clearance of lipoproteins. Data on HDL cholesterol are less consistent. High levels of Lp(a) are considered to be an independent risk factor of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. It has been also suggested that dyslipoproteinemia contributes to the progression of renal disfunction. Methods. Fourteen nondiabetic patients (10 male and 4 female ) with nephrotic syndrome and normal renal function were included in our study. Mean age was 44,5 +- 15,4 years. Control subjects were healthy blood donors who were matched with nephrotic patients with respect to age and sex. Patients serum Lp(a) concentration was determinated and compared with serum Lp(a) concentration in healthy individuals. Serum albumin concentration and daily proteinuria were also determinated in nephrotic patients. Results. Mean serum Lp(a) concentration in nephrotic patients was 1,74 +- 2,34 g/I, the control group had a mean serum Lp(a) concentration of 0,14 +- 0,29g/I. Serum Lp(a) concentration was statistically significantly elevated in patients with nephrotic syndrome (P<0,017), compared to control group. We found no significant correlations between serum Lp(a) concentration and serum albumin or proteinuria (mean and maximall) in nephrotic patients. Conclusions. Patients with nephrotic syndrome have elevated serum Lp(a) concentration, probably because of increased synthesis. The cause of this increased synthesis is still unknown. Conseqences of elevated serum concentration of Lp(a) and therapeutical approaches in nephrotic dislipoproteinemia remain to be established.