Author/Editor     Tomori, Martina; Zalar, Bojan
Title     Gender differences among adolescent suicide attempters and nonattempters
Type     članek
Source     Int J adolesc med heatlh
Vol. and No.     Letnik 12, št. 2-3
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 177-90
Language     eng
Abstract     The study investigated whether differences in known suicide risk factors between girls and boys occur in groups of both suicide attempters and non-attempters. With 4203 non-attempters and 489 attempters of both sexes, high school students, within the age range of 14 to 19 years, we applied a questionnaire which included Zung's Self-reported Depression Scale, Rosenberg's Self-Esteem Scale, questions on socio-demographic data, use of drugs, suicidal behaviour and other issues. Of 16 gender differences in the group of non-attempters, 11 differences were lost in the group of attempters, and five gender differences appeared just in the group of attempters. Adolescents who have already attempted suicide are more gender similar than their non-suicidal peers. The findings draw attention to the importance of normative gender differences in studying adolescent suicide and stress the need to assess carefully the suicide risk in relation to the gender of the adolescent.
Descriptors     SUICIDE, ATTEMPTED