Avtor/Urednik     Čižman, Milan; Paragi, Metka; Gubina, Marija; Mueller-Premru, Manica; Tomič, Viktorija; Mušič, Ema; Kraigher, Alenka; Fišer, Jerneja; Kolman, Jana; Novak, Dušan; Drinovec, Bojan; Harlander, Tatjana; Sabotin, Davorin; Božanić, Vinko; Kunstelj, Lučka; Meštrovič, Ana; Jazbec, Janez; Lešničar, Gorazd; Grosek, Štefan; Špegelj, Milan; Černelč, Peter; Gorišek, Jelka; Verovnik, Franc; Strojan, Milan; Košiček, Dana; Bedernjak, Jože; Zafred-Remec, Tatjana; Tobias, Miroslav; Kolarič, Dušan; Markež, Jernej; Šinigoj, Martin; Cetin-Lovšin, Irena; Mesec, Anton
Naslov     Epidemiologija invazivnih pnevmokoknih okužb v Sloveniji, 1997-1998
Prevedeni naslov     Epidemiology of invasive infections with Streptococcus pneumoniae in Slovenia, 1997-1998
Tip     članek
Vir     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. in št.     Letnik 69, št. 9
Leto izdaje     2000
Obseg     str. 587-92
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Background. Streptococcus pneumoniae is a common cause of morbidity in children and adults. Invasive infections with Streptococcus pneumoniae cause substantial mortality in adult patients. Epidemiology of invasive infections due to Streptococcus pneumoniae, the susceptibilities and serogroups/types demonstrate geographical variability and are not completely known. Patients and methods. From 1997 to 1998 all children and adults with Streptococcus pneumoniae isolated from blood, cerebrospinal fluid or other normally sterile body site were included in a prospective nationwide study. Results. During two years 254 invasive infections, 81 in children and 173 in adults (>15 years of age) were diagnosed. The overall annual incidence was 6.42 cases per 100,000 population; 46.73 for children =< 2 years and 13.9 for persons aged >= 65 years per 100,000population. Pneumonia, empyema, meningitis, bacteraemia/sepsis and other focal infections were found in adults in 74.6%, 10.4%, 7.4% and 7.6% and in children in 36.2%, 8.7%, 51.2% and 3.9% respectively. No deaths were recorder among children, adults case-fatality was 20.8%. The 23-valent pneumococcal vaccine includes 93.7% of the invasive serotypes identified in adults in Slovenia. Pneumococcal groups/types 1,6,9,14,18,19 and 23, comprised 85.1% of all invasive pneumococcal infections in children. Overall resistance to penicillin, erythromycin, trimetoprim/sulfamethoxazole, tetracycline, chloramphenicot, cefotaxime and ceftriaxone was 14.6%, 4.0%, 19.4%, 5.5%, 2.9%, 3.8% and 3.4%. Conclusions. The study showed a lower incidence of invasive pneumococcal infections as compared to the studies published to date. To find out realistic data the causes of invasive infections should be searched more frequently. In Slovenia the treatment of pneumococcal infections should be improved. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters.)
Izvleček     Izhodišča. Bakterija Streptococcus pneumoniae je pogost vzrok zbolevnosti in tudi smrtnosti pri odraslih. Epidemiologija pnevmokoknih invazivnih bolezni, občutljivost pnevmokokov na antibiotike in prisotnost seroloških tipov v svetu so geografsko različni in niso povsem znani. Bolniki in metode. V prospektivno dveletno študijo,ki je zajela vso Slovenijo, smo vključili otroke in odrasle v obdobju januar 1997 do december 1998, pri katerih smo izolirali bakterijo Streptococcus pneumoniae iz krvi, možganske tekočine ali drugega normalnega sterilnega mesta telesa. V dveletnem obdobju smo dokazali invazivne okužbe pri 254 bolnikih, od tega pri otrocih in 173 odraslih nad 15 let starosti. Celokupna letna incidenca je bila 6,42/1000.000 prebivalcev, pri otrocih <= 2 leti je bilo 46,73 in pri starejših od 65 let 13,9/100.000 prebivalcev. Pri otrocih so bili najpogostejši klinični sindromi bakteriemija/sepsa (51,2%), plučnica/empiem (36,2%) in meningitis (8,7%), pri odraslih pa pljučnica/empiem (74,6), meningitis (10,4%) in bakteriemija/sepsa (7,4). Nihče od otrok ni umrl, pri odraslih pa je bila smrtnost 20.8%. Pri otrocih so bile izolirane najpogosteje naslednje seroskupine/serotipi 1, 6, 9, 14, 18, 19 in 23 in so tvorili 85,1% vseh invazivnih okužb. Pri odraslih pa izolirani sevi predstavljajo 93,7% seroskupin oz. serotipov, ki so prisotni v 23-valentni polisaharidni vakcini. Celokupna odpornost pnevmokokov na penicilin, eritromicin, trimetoprim/sulfametoksazol, tetracikline, kloramfenikol, cefotaksim in cetriakson je bila 14.6%, 4.0%, 19.4%, 5.5%, 2.9%, 3.8% in 3.4%.