Author/Editor     Meden, Anton; Jelen-Žmitek, Anita; Kaučič, Venčeslav; Kerč, Janez; Podobnik, Barbara; Žmitek, Janko
Title     Uporaba rentgenske praškovne difrakcije za določanje sledov kristaliničnega nifedipina v matriksu trdne farmacevtske oblike
Type     članek
Source     In: Glavič P, Brodnjak-Vončina D, editors. Zbornik referatov s posvetovanja Slovenski kemijski dnevi 2000: 1. in 2. del; 2000 sep 28-29; Maribor. Maribor: FKKT,
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 113-8
Language     slo
Abstract     A quantitative method for determination of crystalline nifedipine in tablets with amorphous active compound was developed. Analysis of routinely collected powder diffraction patterns of all nine components, composing the tablets, led to a short collection range (9-13.5 deegre 2thetov) and long integration time (354 seconds) that enabled detection of crystalline nifedipine in tablets from 0.5 mass % on. The crystalline nifedipine was not found in neither fresh or aged tablets.
Descriptors     NIFEDIPINE