Avtor/Urednik     Filipič, M; Fatur, T; Lah, T
Naslov     Vpliv nizkih koncentracij kadmija na nastajanje in popravljanje poškodb DNA
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Glavič P, Brodnjak-Vončina D, editors. Zbornik referatov s posvetovanja Slovenski kemijski dnevi 2000: 1. in 2. del; 2000 sep 28-29; Maribor. Maribor: FKKT,
Leto izdaje     2000
Obseg     str. 655-60
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Cadmium is an important heavy metal environmental toxicant, which is classified as probable human carcinogen. In mammalian cells it is genotoxic only at high cytotoxic concentrations. Cadmium has been showh to enhance genotoxicy of several deoxy-ribonucleic acid DNA damaging agents by interfering with different DNA repair mechanisms. Comet assay was used to evaluate the levels of DNA damage in metabolically competent HepG2 cell line after the treatment with low non-cytotoxic concentrations of cadmium ion (CdCl2) alone and in combination with indirect dietary mutagen 2-amino-3-methyl-imidazo(4,5-f)quinoline (IQ). After exposure of cells up to 1000 nM CdCl2 for different perioda of time, dose and time dependent DNA damage was detected. The maximal DNA damage was detected after 12 hours of treatment, which decline with further incubation with CdCl2. This indicateds that HepG2 cells adapted to th e DNA damaging effect of CdCl2. Co-treatment of the cells with IQ (300 microM) and Cd Cl2 (10 nM, 100 nM and 1000nM) for 24 hours induced dose dependent significant increase of DNA damage compared to the treatment with IQ alone. This indicates, that combined exposure to dietary carcinogens and cadmium can result in an increased risk for cancer. These data support the hypothesis that cadmium is carcinogenic predominantly through indirect co-genotoxic effects.
Deskriptorji     CELLS, CULTURED