Author/Editor     Zmazek, Boris; Vaupotič, Janja
Title     Raziskave radona v stanovanjski hiši s povišano koncentracijo
Type     članek
Source     In: Glavič P, Brodnjak-Vončina D, editors. Zbornik referatov s posvetovanja Slovenski kemijski dnevi 2000: 1. in 2. del; 2000 sep 28-29; Maribor. Maribor: FKKT,
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 680-5
Language     slo
Abstract     Among 1000 randomly selected homes surveyed for radon within the Slovenian nation-wide indoor radon programme, in a house in Gorišnica village (Ptujsko polje, the north-eastern part of Slovenia), radon concentration of 900+-164 Bqm-3 was found in winter 1993/1994. Due to the intensive ventilation of the house, in summer radon concentration was much lower, 63+-14 Bqm-3. With respect to geology, high indoor radon values were not expected in this part of Slovenia. Therefore, radon transport into the house and within the house was thoroughly investigated, using complementary measuring techniques. In winter 1998, instantaneous adon concentrations were measured in the air of all rooms, first after intensive ventilation, and then after the rooms were closed overnight prior to sampling. The highest radon concentrations were found in the ground floor during the second measurement, in the room above the cellar between 400 and 600 Bqm-3, and in the other rooms from 1600 to 7700 Bqm-3. In winter 1999, continuous radon measurements were carried out simultaneously in the air of the house, using an Alpha Guard portable monitor, and in the soil gas in a borehole close to the house, using a Barasol portable monitor. The main transport of radon from the soil to the house seems to be through the basic slab in the rooms without cellar underneath, where radon concentrations reached up to 12,000 Bqm-3, almost equal to the values in the soil gas.
Descriptors     RADON