Avtor/Urednik     Končan, David; Rifel, Janez; Drevenšek, Gorazd; Kocijančič, Slavko; Ogorelec, Smiljan; Budihna, Metka V
Naslov     Thermal conductivity of the porcine heart tissue
Tip     članek
Vir     Pflugers Arch
Vol. in št.     Letnik 440, št. 5 Suppl
Leto izdaje     2000
Obseg     str. R143-4
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     The porcine heart was used as a model for studying the thermal changes in myocardium at cooling and re-warming during open heart surgery. A section of the heart septum was excised and tissue was cut into two similar square slices. The same shape of the tissue, cut from the surface from the upper lateral wall of the left ventricle, covered with epicardium and fat was taken for another measurement. A thin (>0.5 mm) square thermal source of the same length of the side as the tissue samples was put between the two slices of tissue. This set was placed in the middle of two identical copper cylinders (2r=50 mm, height=55 mm) used to keep the outer side of the specimen at controlled room temperature. Thermal conductivity of the heart tissue was determined at controlled thermal power, and known difference of the temperature at the edge of the tissue and at the middle of the heater, when steady state was reached. Thermal conductivity calculated from the temperature difference and the geometry of heater and samples was 0.75 W/m.K for septal heart tissue, and 0.60 W/m.K for the lateral wall ventricle tissue with epicardium and fat.
Deskriptorji     HEART SEPTUM