Avtor/Urednik     Lukanovič, A
Naslov     Rektovaginalne fistule
Prevedeni naslov     Rectovaginal fistulas
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Repše S, editor. Zbornik simpozija Proktologija; 2000; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Klinični center, Kirurška klinika,
Leto izdaje     2000
Obseg     str. 92-8
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Rectovaginal fistula is not a common complication of pelvic surgery. The most common cause are inflamatory disseases, malignancies, radiotherapy and birth injuries. Postpartal or tocogenes fistulas in undeveloped countries with low perinatal care standard present a great problem to national health system. For a successful treatment, early diagnosis, precise preoperative management and special surgical principles are to be respected. The autor reports on a 67-year - old female patient, histerectomised 22 years ago who complained on Ironic kolpitis during the last year. When accepted to the department a rectovaginal fistula was diagnosed on the basis of clinical evaluation. After relaparatomy a successful surgical repair of the fistula was performed.