Avtor/Urednik     Reberšek-Gorišek, Jelka; Novak, Zmago
Naslov     Salmonelne okužbe in imunost
Prevedeni naslov     Salmonella infections and immunity
Tip     članek
Vir     Med Razgl
Vol. in št.     Letnik 39, št. Suppl 4
Leto izdaje     2000
Obseg     str. 89-93
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Salmonellosis is caused by bacteria of the genus Salmonella. So far 2213 Salmonella serotypes have been described. Every Salmonella is a potential causative agent of disease in humans. The occurrence of disease is significantly influenced by the dose and virulence of the agent as well as the immune capacity of the host. In our retrospective study including 186 patients we wished to investigate whether the predictive value of the course of disease can be assessed by means of risk factors and Salmonella serotypes. We analysed patient age, data regarding stomach acidity and the condition following gastric surgery, insertion of prosthetic material, taking of antibiotic and immunosuppressive therapy as well as recurrent infection. We inferred the virulence of the agent indirectly from the presentation of individual Salmonella serotypes and the inflammatory response triggered in the organism. The study showed that of the risk factors, a predictive value can be atributed to patient age and to the finding that none of the patients with immunosuppressive therapy and inserted artificial material had any complications during antibiotic treatment. Of all serotypes isolated in our study, Salmonella bredeney caused the strongest inflammatory response of the organism with the highest inflammatory indicators, followed by Salmonella enteritidis and Salmonella typhimurium. In these three Salmonella serotypes complications were also seen most frequently.
Izvleček     Salmoneloze povzročajo bakterije iz rodu salmonel. Do danes je opisanih 2213 salmonelnih serotipov. Vsaka salmonela lahko povzroči bolezen pri človeku. Na nastanek bolezni pomembno vplivata odmerek in virulenca povzročitelja ter imunska sposobnost gostitelja. V retrospektivni študiji, ki je vključevala 186 bolnikov, smo želeli raziskati, ali se da s pomočjo dejavnikov tveganja in serotipov salmonel postaviti napovedno vrednost poteka bolezni. Analizirali smo starost bolnikov, podatke o kislosti želodčnega soka in stanja po operativnih posegih na želodcu, vstavljenost protetičnega materiala, prejemnaje antibiotičnega in imunosupresivnega zdravljenja ter večkratno okužbo. Na virulenco povzročitelja smo sklepali indirektno s prikazom posameznih serotipov salmonel in vnetnega odziva, ki so ga sprožile v organizmu. Raziskava je pokazala, da ima od dejavnikov tveganja napovedno vrednost starost bolnikov. Ugotovili smo, da so bili vsi bolniki z imunosupresivnim zdravljenjem in umetnimi vstavljenimi materiali brez zapletov ob antibiotičnem zdravljenju. Salmonella bredeney je od vseh serotipov, ki so bili izolirani v naši raziskavi povzročila najmočnejši vnetni odziv organizma z najvišjimi pokazatelji vnetja. Sledili sta Salmonella enteritidis in Salmonella typhimurium. Pri teh treh serotipih salmonel so bili tudi zapleti najpogostejši.