Avtor/Urednik | Planinšek, Odon | |
Naslov | Makrofiltracija in mikrofiltracija v farmaciji | |
Prevedeni naslov | Macrofiltration and microfiltration in pharmacy | |
Tip | članek | |
Vir | Farm Vestn | |
Vol. in št. | Letnik 51, št. 3 | |
Leto izdaje | 2000 | |
Obseg | str. 499-513 | |
Jezik | slo | |
Abstrakt | There are many ways of separating the discrete forms of one state of matter dispersed in a liquid. Methods for separation are macrofiltration, microfiltration, ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis, distillation, deionization, centrifugation, chromatography, crystallization and others. None is universall to be preffered to the exclusion of the others. Advantages of the filtration over other separation methods are low energy requirements and by that costs of the process, it can be conducted in sterile areas, being totally enclosed, there are no scale up problems, lowest possible enviroment polution and many others. When particle size that have to be removed from the dispersion is known, suitable filter system has to be selected. In pharmaceutical processing, filtration is practiced to remove particles of a defined size, all microorganismsand pyrogenes. Filters made of different materials and shapes are available on the market. In the article termins that are used in liquid filtration, materials from which filters are made of, filter designs for micro and macrofiltration are reviewedwith the aim to ease the decision which system is the most suitable for a certain use. | |
Izvleček | Obstaja veliko načinov ločevanja delcev neke snovi dispergiranih v tekočini. Ločimo makrofiltracijo, mikrofiltracijo, ultrafiltracijo, reverzno osmozo, destilacijo, deionizacijo, centrifugiranje, kromatografijo, kristalizacijo in druge metode. Nobena ni univerzalna, da bi jo lahko uporabili z izključitvijo vseh ostalih. Prednosti filtracije pred ostalimi separacijskimi postopki so energijska nezahtevnost procesa in s tem njena ekonomičnost, možnost uporabe zaprtih sistemov za sterilizacijo, enostavnost prenosa metode na večje sisteme ("scale up"), najmanjše možno onesnaževanje okolja in druge. Ko vemo, kakšna je velikost delcev, ki jih moramo odstraniti iz disperzije, se moramo odločiti za ustrezen filtrski sistem. V farmaciji želimo s filtracijo odstraniti delce določenih velikosti, mikroorganizme in pirogene snovi. Na tržišču so na voljo filtri iz najrazljičnejših snovi, različnih oblik. V prispevku so opisani termini, ki se uporabljajo pri filtriranju tekočin, snovi iz katerih so zgrajeni filtri, oblike različnih filtrov za mikro in mikrofiltracijo in področja uporabe, z namenom olajšati izbiro ustreznega filtra za določeno uporabo. | |