Author/Editor     Rožić-Hristovski, Anamarija
Title     Vloga tradicionalnih medijev pri reševanju informacijskih potreb uporabnikov: primer Centralne medicinske knjižnice
Type     članek
Source     In: Stavbar V, editor. Tradicionalni mediji v sodobni informacijski družbi: strokovno posvetovanje; 2000 okt 11-13; Maribor. Ljubljana - Maribor: Zveza bibliotekarskih društev Slovenije,
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 151-8
Language     slo
Abstract     With the emergence of the Internet, information access capabilities have proliferated enormously, thus increasingly affecting library services. In spite of expansion and popularity of the Internet many studies reveal prevailing role of traditianal media. Most scientists rely primarily on printed journals. Traditional reference sources available in libraries are still of most value to reference services in meeting patrons' information needs. In the last few years the Central Medical Library (CMK) has been faced with increasing demand for classical services and growing interest in electronic resources. Users' needs have important influence on library acquisition policy and activities. A questionnaire was used to give better insight into satisfying users' information needs. Questions were asked about use of different type of information resources, importance of traditional and electronic resources and evaluation of collections available in CMK. The results revealed that borrowing journals and books was the most frequent reason of visiting CMK. The same resources were the most important for solving of information problems, followed by Internet and Medline. The journals collection was estimated as the recognised the most appropriate source. The results of the study revealed that the users of CMK still rely most on the tra- ditional media.
Descriptors     LIBRARIES, MEDICAL