Avtor/Urednik     Galvani, Vesna
Naslov     Topni receptor TNF alfa, p55, kot prognostični faktor pri bolnikih z melanomom
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Musar A, Florjančič U, editors. Raziskovalno delo podiplomskih študentov Slovenije: naravoslovje in tehnika. 1. dnevi podiplomskih študentov Slovenije; 2000 nov 10; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Društvo mladih raziskovalcev Slovenije,
Leto izdaje     2000
Obseg     str. 35-41
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     We determined that the concentration of soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor, p55, in sera of patients with malignant melanoma is considerably higher compared with serum levels of p55 in healthy population. We were also able to distinguish between patients with malignant melanoma who responded to the chemmoimmuno therapy and those who did not respond to the same therapy. We therefore presume that monitoring the concentration of p55 in patients serum would be a good prognostic factor of the progression of the disease and may be an additional help to the clinitian. Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNTa) is a cytokine with two distinct natural receptors, p55 with molecular mass of 55kDa and p75 with molecular mass of 75kDa. Both receptors are transmembrane proteins of nearly all cell types ecept erythrocytes and unstimulated T lymphocytes. Receptors exist in a soluble form as a cleavage product of the membrane bound type of receptors. Soluble receptors compete with membrane bound receptors for the free TNFa and may therefore be considered antagonists of TNFa. Complexes of TNFa and soluble receptor are a storage of an active form of the cytokine. Melanoma has increased during last decades within the caucasians and is now considereb to be on the third position of cancer after the lung and brest cancers. Melanoma appears on the skin, mostly face but other parts are as much afected. Overexposition to the dangerous UV rays could be the major cause of the malignant melanoma.Prgresion of the disease is rapid. Malignant tumors are resistant to radiation therapy. After the excision of the primary tumor combination of immuno and chemoterapy is recommended. We prepared mouse monoclonal antibodies (MAb) against p55 and developed a senstitve ELISA for quantitative determination of soluble p55 in biological samples.
Deskriptorji     MELANOMA