Avtor/Urednik     Čretnik, Andrej; Pandurovič, Dean
Naslov     Pregled razvoja in biomehanične osnove intramedularne učvrstitve zlomov
Prevedeni naslov     Overview of the development and biomechanical basis of intramedullary nailing
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Čretnik A, Košir R, editors. Intramedularna učvrstitev zlomov. Zbornik predavanj Podiplomska šola kirurških tehnik; 2000; Maribor. Maribor: Splošna bolnišnica Maribor,
Leto izdaje     2000
Obseg     str. 15-21
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Intramedullary nailing has revolutionized the treatment of fractures in many ways. It is important to know and understand the biomechanical effects of reaming and nailing on the bone. Althrough nails are stiffer than bone they don't have as adverse an effect on callus strenght as plates because of their location in the medullary canal. Reaming and nailing causes bone marrow embolization and reduces blood flow through the affected bone by 30% to 80%. This results in a hyperemic reaction and revascularization that is influenced by the type and size of nail used and the preservation of the soft tissue envelope. With the closed nailing techniques the fracture healing ratio of 98% can be reached. The advantage of nonreamed nailing is primarily in the better preservation of the supply whereas the major advantage of reamed nailing is stronger and more rigid construction and earlier final fracture union.