Author/Editor     Rožić-Hristovski, Anamarija; Furlan, Ana Marija
Title     Izgradnja in organizacija zbirke monografij na področju biomedicine
Translated title     Monograph collection development and its organisation in biomedicine
Type     članek
Source     In: Češnovar N, editor. Vloga specialnih knjižnic pri pospeševanju družbenega in gospodarskega razvoja. Izgradnja knjižničnih zbirk: pridobivanje in izločanje gradiva. Zbornik referatov 8. posvetovanje Sekcije za specialne knjižnice; 2000 nov 16-17; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica,
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 55-64
Language     slo
Abstract     In the information age, academic libraries are faced with exponential rise of scientific information and electronic sources on one side and increasing costs of materials and budget limitations on the other side. Therefore, a well-planned strategy becomes of essential importance in the collection development. In the field of biomedicine, there are about 15,000 manuals, some of which only appear in electronic form. At such extent, collection development policy is a must also considering the Library's mission and the activities of the basic institution. At the same time, it is important for the library patron to have insight into the collection including its proper organisation and information. AT the Central Medical Library, the monograph collection policy has been established for biomedical literature including both general and specific criteria such as language, autorship, subject matter, quality, didactics, target group of readers, selection of suppliers, users' suggestions and characteristics of electronic sources. A more enhanced insight into monograph collection is provided by the classification of biomedical disciplines and presentation of certain collections and novelties on gathering siggestions and opinion polls.
Descriptors     LIBRARIES, MEDICAL