Author/Editor     Dšuban, Gabrijela
Title     Novosti v zakonu o pokojninskem in invalidskem zavarovanju
Type     članek
Source     In: Dšuban G, Šilc T, Vodušek DB, et al, editors. Simpozij Ocenjevanje invalidnosti, telesne okvare in potrebe po pomoči in postrežbi drugega pri nevroloških bolnikih; 2000 dec 8-9; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Zavod za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje Slovenije, Invalidska komisija 2. stopnje,
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 9-18
Language     slo
Abstract     The system of social security in the Republic of Slovenia is regulated by laws which are based on constitutional regulations. They also take into consideration the most important conventions and international treaties which, once ratified, find direct implementation. Thus the article presents the basic concepts in the field of social security, the most important provisions in international treaties related to this field, and Slovenian legislation with the emphasis on the present Pension and Invalidity Insurance Act in the part which regulates invalidity insurance and the novelties in this field, which have been postponed and will only take effect in three years.
Descriptors     SOCIAL SECURITY