Avtor/Urednik     Butinar, Dušan
Naslov     Svetovna akcija "Privedimo epilepsijo iz sence"
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Dšuban G, Šilc T, Vodušek DB, et al, editors. Simpozij Ocenjevanje invalidnosti, telesne okvare in potrebe po pomoči in postrežbi drugega pri nevroloških bolnikih; 2000 dec 8-9; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Zavod za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje Slovenije, Invalidska komisija 2. stopnje,
Leto izdaje     2000
Obseg     str. 83-9
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     In 1997, the World Health Organistion (WHO), the International League against Epilepsy (ILAE) and the International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE) launched the Global Campaign against Epilepsy: "Out of the shadows" from Geneva as well as from Dublin, during the 22nd International Congress on Epilepsy. The Campaign Objectives were to increase public and professional awareness of epilepsy as a universal and treatable disorder, to raise epilepsy to a new plane of acceptability in the public domain, to promote public and professional education about epilepsy, to identify the needs of people with epilepsy at national and regional levels and to encourage governments and departments of health, to address the needs of peaple with epilepsy including awareness, education, diagnosis, treatment, care, services and prevention. The strategy of the Campaign includes two parallel and simultaneous tracks: 1. Raising of general awareness and understanding of epilepsy and 2. supporting Departments of Health in identifying needs and promoting education, training, treatment, services, research and prevention nationally.
Deskriptorji     EPILEPSY