Author/Editor     Grad, Anton
Title     Možganska kap
Type     članek
Source     In: Dšuban G, Šilc T, Vodušek DB, et al, editors. Simpozij Ocenjevanje invalidnosti, telesne okvare in potrebe po pomoči in postrežbi drugega pri nevroloških bolnikih; 2000 dec 8-9; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Zavod za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje Slovenije, Invalidska komisija 2. stopnje,
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 131-5
Language     slo
Abstract     Ischemic stroke is a consequence of neural damage due to vascular occlusion or stenosis of one of the cerebral vessels. It is a vascular disorder (thrombosis, thrombembolic disease, vasculitis) with neurologic focal symptoms and signs responding the vascular territory. Not only the patient himself, but also his family, medical and social services suffer because of consequences of stroke. Stroke is a huge burden to the society due to enormous expenses. Therefore, stroke is a cata- strophc for patient, his family and the hole society.