Avtor/Urednik     Drinković, Ivan; Brnić, Zoran; Hebrang, Andrija
Naslov     Duplex-Doppler ultrasound evaluation of intrapancreatic blood flow in patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Prevedeni naslov     Ultrazvočna preiskava krvnega obtoka z dvojnim Dopplerjem v trebušni slinavki pri sladkornih bolnikih, odvisnih of inzulina
Tip     članek
Vir     Radiol Oncol
Vol. in št.     Letnik 34, št. 4
Leto izdaje     2000
Obseg     str. 325-9
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Background. The purpose of the study was to assess the value of pulse-wave and color-Doppler ultrasound (CDUS) in estimation of the pancreatic blood flow, and to test the hypothesis that accelerated atherosclerosis in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) causes an increased vascular resistance. Patients and methods. Gastroduodenal arteries in 40 patients with IDDM and 30 healthy volunteers were insolated, and resistance index (RI) and pulsatility index (PI) were assessed. The statistical significance of the difference between Doppler indices among examined groups, as well as the correlation with the age, sex and duration of the disease were tested. Results. In the group, median RI was 0.71 and median PI was 1.46. In IDDM patients group median RI was 0.74 and median PI was 1.54. The differences between these Doppler indices were not significant, with a p=0.82 for RI, and p=0.74 for PI. Also, no significant correlation was observed RI and PI and the duration of the disease. Conclusions. CDUS is simple noninvasive imaging modality for the estimation of blood flow in the gastroduodenal artery, which, in our work, did not prove to be of particular value in the assessment of pancreatic flow in IDDM patients.
Izvleček     Izhodišča. Z našo študijo smo želeli oceniti pomen pulznega vala in ultrazvočne preiskave krvnega obtoka v trebušni slinavki z barvnim Dopplerjem ter preveriti hipotezo, da pospešeno napredovanje ateroskleroze pri sladkornih bolnikih, odvisnih od inzulina, stopnjuje vaskularno rezistenco. Bolniki in metode. Z ultrazvokom smo pregledali gastroduodenalne arterije 40 sladkornih bolnikov, odvisnih od inzulina in 30 zdravih prostovoljcev ter pri obeh skupinah določili rezistenčni (RI) in pulzni indeks (PI). Ugotavljali smo statistično pomembne razlike Dopplerjevih indeksov med obema pregledanima skupinama ter korelacijo s starostjo in spolom bolnikov kot tudi s trajanjem sladkorne bolezni. Rezultati. V kontrolni skupini je znašal povprečni RI 0,71, povprečni PI pa 1,46. Pri sladkornih bolnikih, odvisno od inzulina je bil povprečni RI 0,74, povprečni PI pa 1,54. Razlike med Dopplerjevimi indeksi niso bile statistično pomembne; za RI je ta razlika bila p=0,82, za PI ter trajanjem bolezni. Zaključki. Ultrazvočna preiskava z barvnim Dopplerjem je preprosta in neinvazijska slikovna metoda za preiskavo krvnega obtoka v gastroduodenalni arteriji. V tej študiji smo dokazali, da ta metoda nima tehtne vrednosti pri preiskavi krvnega obtoka v trebušni slinavki sladkornih bolnikov, odvisno od inzulina.